20 December 2002

Score 1 for Our Neighbors to the North...

I heard on the radio driving home tonight that Canada’s supreme court ruled against common law marriages today. Now, I don’t care much about Canada or their stupid laws, but this makes me happy. Apparently some couple broke up and tried to make the courts settle their stuff as if they had been married, and Canada’s supreme court decided that you only get to be treated like you’re married is you’re actually married. Aside from the unfortunate fact that society isn’t ready to allow gay marriages, I just think that common law marriages are retarded as shit. If you’re with someone and you want to live together and all that, just go to the court and get a marriage liscence. All a legal marriage means is that you’re asking the government to endorce your relationship and you get tax breaks and can sue the person for divorce and shit. It doesn’t have to be official or big if you don’t want it to be. I understand that some people are anti-title or anti-religion and don’t think that they need an institution to tell them blah blah hippie blah blah. I’m just glad that Canada’s courts were like, hey listen, if you don’t want to spend one afternoon at the court filing a marriage liscense then don’t expect the government to stick up for you later. I hate it when people think that they can have it both ways.

08 December 2002

Ludicrous Speed!


Finally, we have DSL. No more dial-up for me, suckers!