23 July 2010

Kier Dullea on 2001

“You’ve just been offered the lead in Stanley Kubrick’s next film.”

Kier Dullea on 2001

22 July 2010

Staff Writer Todd Levin on the End of Conan O'Brien's Tonight Show

The next afternoon we had another staff meeting, presided over by a very different Conan. Yesterday’s Conan was an immovable object. Today’s Conan looked drained. He entered the studio unceremoniously, dressed in a leather jacket and baseball hat—like someone getting ready to leave—then slumped into the guest couch and fixed his gaze on the far wall as he addressed us, never really making eye contact. It was a sight that shook your faith a little, like seeing your dad on crutches.


Doctor Who on Netflix

Netflix has four seasons of Doctor Who available on its Instant Queue streaming, except for three specials that they only have on DVD. To watch everything in the right order:

  1. Watch the first three seasons.
  2. After season three, you’ll need to watch the Christmas special “Voyage of the Damned” on DVD, then season four.
  3. After season four, watch “The Next Doctor” and “Planet of the Dead” on Instant Queue, then get the DVDs for “The Waters of Mars” and “The End of Time”.

Then, while you’re waiting for season five to come out (it’s airing now), you can watch three streaming seasons of spin-off Torchwood. The other spin-off, The Sarah Jane Adventures, isn’t available for streaming as of now.

I’m woefully late to the party on Doctor Who. It definitely has some cheesy sci-fi stuff in there that you’ll either love or have to get past, but when it’s on, it’s absolutely fantastic. I think it’s very well served by the BBC’s shorter season length. US series like Flashforward suffer from having to fill twenty-something episodes. Doctor Who, with only thirteen episodes, can have a few one-off shows and slowly build it’s season-long story without too much filler.

Update 12/16/10: All of the specials are now streaming. Here’s more info on classic Who.

14 July 2010

A Brief History of The Knight and Squire

That sounds awesome, and not just because Cornell’s idea of a “realistic take on British super-heroics” involves Dracula shooting vampires at England from his castle on the moon before getting into his magic space pirate ship.

A Brief History of The Knight and Squire

08 July 2010

Prefer Standard Definition Videos on iPhone 4

The new iPhone 4 can play high definition video, but with a 3.5″ screen, you probably won’t notice the difference. On the “Summary” tab in iTunes you can tell it to sync the standard definition copies of videos if you have them. Anything you buy in iTunes that’s HD comes with an SD copy, too.

07 July 2010

6 Things From History Everyone Pictures Incorrectly

[S]ince the Pyramids were the tombs of the pharaohs, they made sure they were the biggest, most sparkly things of all. The original outside consisted of smooth, white limestone that hid the layers of brick, giving the effect that a pyramid was one giant solid piece.

6 Things From History Everyone Pictures Incorrectly

05 July 2010

iPad and Kindle Reading Speeds

A study of people reading long-form text on tablets finds higher reading speeds than in the past, but they’re still slower than reading print.

iPad and Kindle Reading Speeds