30 October 2008

Diction Choices when Discussing Interactive Media

Here’s a headline from GameSpot yesterday: Beatles rocking original IP in Q4 2009. It’s a story about a game from Harmonix (who make Rock Band) that will feature Beatles music. So why does the headline read like a stock ticker? Games “journalism” has a lot of these bad habits. I guess the writers use “IP in Q4” instead of “new game late next year” because they want to make their writing sound smarter? Instead, it reads like they’re eating out of the patent lawyers’ hands. Game companies don’t make “games”, they make “intellectual property”, a term designed to keep focus on the author of the work and not on the owner. I can own a book, and when I’m done reading it I can sell it to a friend. But if a book is “content” that’s the “intellectual property” of its author, it creates an impression that I’m not its owner. Ironically, the gaming community is railing against copy protection like that used in Spore, which prevents people from being able to run a game they’ve bought on too many of their own computers.

See also David Pogue’s Tech Terms to Avoid and Kotaku’s Note to Internet: Stop Using the Term “SKU”.

Barack Obama Has Read Harry Potter

In last night’s Barack Obama Variety Half-Hour, Michelle Obama mentioned that her husband read all seven Harry Potter books with their daughter.

Has John McCain read Harry Potter?

Whom do you trust to protect America from dark wizards?

We need to know the full extent of the relationship between John McCain and Tom Riddle. Frankly I just don’t think he has the experience to lead us through any sort of dementor- or inferius-based terrorist attacks.

29 October 2008

War and Social Upheaval Cause Spikes in Zombie Movie Production

War and Social Upheaval Cause Spikes in Zombie Movie Production

I’d like to see a set of charts that correct for the number of movies released that year, or even the number of horror movies released per year. It’d also be interesting to know how the release of horror movies in general correlate to social trends. Torture Porn (Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Saw) coincides well with Vietnam and Iraq, for example, times when Americans felt helpless in a violent world that traditional military solutions couldn’t solve.

23 October 2008

The Terrible Crossover Fanfiction Idea Generator

The Terrible Crossover Fanfiction Idea Generator

“Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Teen Titans and Harry Potter. The story should use love triangles as a plot device!”

Study squashes myth of gamer as antisocial Comic Book Guy

Study squashes myth of gamer as antisocial Comic Book Guy

Now we just need a study quashing the “antisocial Comic Book Guy” myths and I’m home free!

22 October 2008

In Twin Peaks

In Twin Peaks

If there internet is good at anything, it’s providing a venue for niche stuff like this: photos of the locations where Twin Peaks was shot, 20 years later.

Sexy Halloween

It used to be that women were limited to a few choices for Halloween costumes: sexy nurse, sexy cheerleader, sexy kitty cat. Nowadays, there are lots of options for the discerning woman-about-town to slut it up. See Sexy Halloween for some ideas, Mena Trott’s list for actual costumes you can buy, and, of course, the Sexy Judge (via Katherine).

20 October 2008

Applescript to toggle F1-F11 keys as function keys - Mac Forums

Applescript to toggle F1-F11 keys as function keys - Mac Forums

Very useful. For some games you need the F1-F12 keys to be function keys, but normally I want them to control volume, show Dashboard, etc. Save this script as an application, put it in your Dock, and it will open System Preferences and toggle the checkbox.

17 October 2008

McCain on Letterman

McCain on Letterman

I liked John McCain a lot more before he was a presidential candidate. On Letterman last night he was much more of the McCain you used to see. He was funny at times and genuine at others and didn’t slip too much into his rehearsed campaign lines.

McCain at Alfred E. Smith dinner

McCain at Alfred E. Smith dinner

Also very funny.

Barack Obama does stand-up at Alfred E. Smith dinner

Barack Obama does stand-up at Alfred E. Smith dinner

Funny speech. I wish the camera didn’t feel they had to cut to McCain for every reaction shot though.

16 October 2008

Tech Terms to Avoid

Tech Terms to Avoid

David Pogue on all the jargon he tries not to use when he writes about technology. I try to avoid “wi-fi” for “wireless” and “DRM” for “copy protection” especially. “Content” for “episode” or “song” bugs me, too.

15 October 2008

Why I Don't Think Apple Will Ever Release a Tiny Laptop

Whenever Apple has a big product event coming up, rumors inevitably swell about the company releasing a tablet computer or, more recently, a “netbook”. People want Apple to put out a tiny laptop that costs well under $1000. I don’t see them ever doing this. At least, not the form the PC-minded tend to expect. Why not? Keyboards.

Steve Jobs’s Apple will never release a computer with tiny keys. He frequently mentions the high quality of the keyboards on their laptops, and often makes fun of the cheap keys on their competitors’ machines. During the most recent iPhone event he mockingly referred to the “tiny plastic keys” on the Blackberry. Jobs doesn’t like cheap, tiny keyboards. This limits the physical size of any Mac Apple ever releases to a little over 12″ across. Any smaller and the keys will have to shrink which, I think, sets off an alarm in Jobs’s head that screams “cheap”. For all the neat things the Kindle might have going for it, do you ever see Apple putting out a device with buttons on it that look like they came from a plastic calculator or a TV remote?

I can see Apple releasing a tablet device that’s all touchscreen. Picture a Star Trek PADD: like an iPhone, but with a screen the size of a novel. I don’t know that Apple will—they’d have to come up with a marketable reason to release such a device—but I can see something like that coming from the company. Maybe it can stand up on its own and connect to a wireless keyboard. May Apple would even add a book and magazine store section to iTunes for it. But there has to be a reason for it to exist other than just that the press thinks it might be cool. Likewise for touch screens on their Macs. It’d be cool, but I’m not sure it’d improve your productivity any, and it would probably create an entire new category of repetitive stress syndrome from having to hold your arm up all day to operate the screen.

Scott Bakula Jumps Into McCain's Body Just Before Election | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Scott Bakula Jumps Into McCain’s Body Just Before Election

10 October 2008

Nailing Your Wife - SPIKE

Nailing Your Wife - SPIKE

First in a series of “PG Porn” movies by James Gunn. This one stars Nathan Fillion and Aria Giovanni. The premise here is that the movies aren’t explicit at all, they’re just set in situations that make you think they’re going to be.

08 October 2008

New ad starring Hillary Duff about not calling things "gay"

New ad starring Hillary Duff about not calling things “gay”

This is actually something that bothers me.

A Coke is A Coke

I love this Andy Warhol quote that John Gruber uses in this Daring Fireball article:

What’s great about this country is that America started the tradition where the richest consumers buy essentially the same things as the poorest. You can be watching TV and see Coca-Cola, and you know that the President drinks Coke, Liz Taylor drinks Coke, and just think, you can drink Coke, too. A Coke is a Coke and no amount of money can get you a better Coke than the one the bum on the corner is drinking. All the Cokes are the same and all the Cokes are good. Liz Taylor knows it, the President knows it, the bum knows it, and you know it.

I read an article recently (which I can’t seem to find now) about how class in America is becoming harder to define because their aren’t any key products that most people can’t afford. You used to be able to separate lower from middle class by whether or not a family had a telephone, or a TV, or air conditioning, etc. Even internet access and cell phones are becoming ubiquitous.

Browse the Artifacts of Geek History in Jay Walker's Library

Browse the Artifacts of Geek History in Jay Walker’s Library

07 October 2008

Bob Truby's Brand Name Pencils

Bob Truby’s Brand Name Pencils

Hundreds of pictures of pencils. (via rfj)

Can the Product Pitches -- Viewers Like Their Stories

Can the Product Pitches — Viewers Like Their Stories

Fox has tried a daring experiment during Fringe that seems to be working: show fewer ads and people actually watch a few of them instead of fast-forwarding, changing the channel, or getting up.

02 October 2008

Meet the Gang

Meet the Gang

Today, October 2, marks the 58th anniversary of Peanuts. Link includes a few of the notable “first” Charlie Brown strips.

01 October 2008

Supergirl 34

(This is turning into a comics blog I guess. /shrug)

Supergirl 34 cover

One of the things I liked at the Superman panel in Baltimore was the focus placed on Supergirl’s new creative team of Sterling Gates and Jamal Igle. They seem to really want to work to make Supergirl a good title in DC’s stable, and to make Kara Zor-El a cool character. Their debut issue, number 34, succeeds at this. Cat Grant’s attacks on Supergirl are mean but seem true. Kara has powers but doesn’t know how to use them well, so she breaks a man’s arm accidentally when she saves his life. Clark advises her that she’ll figure that stuff out over time, but that she needs to have a life outside of being Supergirl. Her reactions seem honest, and Gates does a nice job with the stock “hero goes to talk to other heroes” scenes.

Igle’s art is nice here. Here’s a preview of the first few pages. Kara feels strong but believable as a 16-year-old girl, with a figure that’s not outrageously curvy. A touch I particularly liked is that he illustrates the shorts Kara wears under her skirt, rather than just having her show way too much leg or putting her in skimpy underwear.

Also, for all the evil that Superman has defeated in his world, the DC Universe’s MLB still seems to have inter-league play. This issue features a game between the Metropolis Meteors, the city’s National League team, and the American League Monarchs. Just for kicks, here are the other baseball teams in the DC Universe, presumably in addition to those in our world. And here are some other things to do in Metropolis.