31 March 2005

SIN CITY Comparisons

SIN CITY Comparisons

Comparisons between frames from the comic and the movie. Not that their similarity should be a surprise, but it’s cool to see.

30 March 2005

History of the New York Egg Cream

History of the New York Egg Cream

I guess these things died out of mainstream snack culture years ago because you can’t bottle them easily, but I’m sure you can still get them in some places.

Banksy Hits New York's Most Famous Museums

Banksy Hits New York’s Most Famous Museums

Awesome: an artist went into four museums in New York City and hung up his own artwork.


Monuments of Switzerland

Monuments of Switzerland

Photo album using a very strong projector to display images on the side of a nuclear silo. Use “weiter” to go to the next photo.

Five Questions to Verify if an Entity Is a Robot

Five Questions to Verify if an Entity is a Robot

One of the best Turing Tests I’ve ever seen.


Girls Who Are Boys Who Like Boys to Be Girls

Girls who are boys who like boys to be girls

Interesting piece on how most girls will only play female characters, but guys will play either.


GameSpy: Will Wright Presents Spore... and a New Way to Think About Games

GameSpy: Will Wright Presents Spore… and a New Way to Think About Games

Cool writeup of a demo of Spore, a new game from Sim City creator Will Wright that lets you play God. You start creating microbes that eventually evolve, at your bidding, into space-faring cultures that can teraform others worlds. Seems really cool.

The Best Guilds Names You've Seen

The Best Guilds Names You’ve Seen

Long discussion thread on the World of Warcraft boards about amusing guild names.


MAKE: Blog: Flickr Upload From MMORPGs

MAKE: Blog: Flickr upload from MMORPGs

Interesting concept for a button inside video games that would let you automatically tag and upload screenshots to flickr. I can see guilds having fun with this when they go on big boss runs.


Super OS X Menubar Items

super OS X menubar items

Handy list of MacOS X menu bar widgets.

Wonderland: Raph's Keynote

Wonderland: Raph’s Keynote

Transcript of the keynote given by Raph Koster at the 2005 Game Developers Conference about why games are important and what they do for us socially.


Green Day Awakens Boy From Coma

Green Day awakens boy from coma

A boy who was in a coma for a few weeks woke up when his mom played his favorite album, American Idiot. The band promised to send him some free stuff.

Sons of the Storm

Sons of the Storm

An artist who worked on World of Warcraft died while they were developing the game. If you go to a mountain in northern Barrens you can see an in-game memorial to him.

Improv Everywhere Mission: McDonald's Bathroom Attendant

Improv Everywhere Mission: McDonald’s Bathroom Attendant

Some guys set up a bathroom attendant station in a McDonald’s, claiming it was a pilot program that Corporate was trying out. This one gets extra creepy points, too, for having a camera in a bathroom.