29 May 2003

I Wonder if I'm Making a Terrible Mistake

After a good deal of personal debate, I’ve decided to go with cable internet instead of DSL. For one, I already use my cell phone for all of my calling needs. Two, since I primarily use my cell, $20+ extra a month for a landline, even if split with a roommate, seems like a lot of money. Three, I understand that TiVo can now work over ethernet, so if I get it I won’t have to have a phone line for it. Four, even if digital cable is a requirement for cable internet, the added cost will be lower than or just about the same as that of a landline which would be required for DSL, plus I’ll get extra chanels and another fun box to stack up with a DVD player, a VCR, my stereo, and potentially a TiVo box and a video game system. Five, I’m reasonably sure that my Airport Base Station can dole out IP addresses so that multiple computers will be able to share the connection.

These all seem like good reasons, but it still seams strange not to have a phone.