Never let someone tell you that you’re over-analyzing a literary work (films, paintings, video games, etc. included). For one, a good author intends every word and reference he writes (and sometimes even alludes to things he doesn’t outwardly know he knows). Secondly, something like this might just come out of it.
Aparently the makers of BMW Films peppered the short movies with lots of references to things that didn’t relate to the plot. Most people would never notice them, but overly literary types and paranoid conspiracy theorists did. The films evidently developed a cult following, with people theorizing about every little bit of every frame to see if there was some hidden message. One couple figured it out, and followed a trail that eventually led them to a random street corner in New York City. For solving the puzzle they recieved a free Z4. Or so the story goes… A list of the references are here, whether you believe the story or not.