23 September 2003


I awoke a bit before five last night to what sounded exactly like a faucet running into a pool of water. My bedroom having a faucet, that seemed wrong. The rainstorm had dropped enough water fast enough that the ground hadn’t soaked anything up, so our basement window wells had filled all the way up — each probably holding well over a dozen gallons of water. Turns out that our windows aren’t water-tight, so leaks around the edges were pouring water onto the floor. I woke Matt up, then went into the main room and discovered inches of water by the window and an already soaked carpet.

This apartment is cheap and convenient to the Metro, but this is now the third flood we’ve had. Annoyed, I decided to take the day off, do some mopping, and get back my lost sleep. Except that our squeegee is very old, so it won’t actually clean the floors. I have everything mostly dry but very dirty. The poor dehumidifier needs a vacation.

(Also the built-in Apple dictionary knows the word “squeegee.”)