I’ve said it before, but today’s Guardian article, “We are all nerds now” makes the point anew: nerds are the new jocks. Skinny with retro sweater is the new polo and khakis. Spider-Man earned $400 million in the theaters and at least that much in DVD/video sales. The Return of the King will easily take the Lord of the Rings franchise above the $2 billion mark. Last year, video games sales overtook box office numbers. Adult Swim regularly wins its weekday timeslot. Seth Cohen is a sex symbol. I think the evidence is clear that nerd culture has taken over the main stream.
Of course, fat, zitty nerds are still fat and zitty, and grade school bullies can always find other labels and excuses to beat kids up. But I love the fact that, while nerd jokes are still easy to come by, I can have discussions about Hobbits or Matrix philosophy with normal-ass people.