14 July 2004


Matt Haughey writes about how he wants to be able to include different kinds of posts from different sources in one XML feed. As weblogging continues to mature, people are starting to want to do more and more. A lot of people aren’t just adding one entry to the top of a long list of words anymore. They’re writing for multiple pages. They’re keeping linklists. They’re commenting on other people’s pages. As it stands, the tools we use to run our weblogs aren’t set up to cope with our evolving needs.

I think would all pretty possible with a good MovableType 3 plugin plus an addition to TypeKey. First, I’d like to be able to specify that multiple weblogs running on the same MT install to appear on the same page. Second, I’d like to be able to set my TypeKey identity to send TrackBacks to that page whenever I leave comments on other peoples’ pages, so that the comments would also appear on my page. And of course everything would dump to the same XML feed. Visitors would be able to see everything I’ve written recently no matter where on the internet it originally appeared.

Update: After thinking about it for an hour, I’m pretty sure you could hack this together by setting up a new MT blog, enabling category TrackBack, and setting all your pages to ping that category. You could use Simpletracks to ping comments and linkblog entries. This would work, but an integrated setup that doesn’t require a standalone tool would be nice.