25 August 2003


  • I beat The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker on Sunday. I’ll be looking to start a new game some time in the next month. Suggestions?
  • I am wicked excited about my comic haul on Wednesday. There’s always one week a month where almost all the titles I read seem to come out at once. Due:
  • Batman #618: Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee’s amazing year working on this book is almost over. The final page of last month’s issue was so good. I can’t wait.
  • The Flash #201: I loved Scott Kollins’ art in The Flash, so I hope that Alberto Dose lives up. This book has been so good lately that I’m worried Geoff Johns won’t be able to keep it up.
  • Green Lantern #168: Sigh. Ben Raab’s a few issues in, and it just hasn’t done much for me. I want Kyle to reignite the corps., but it seem like Raab is afraid of the idea and has decided to draw it out for way too long.
  • JLA #85: Aside from #83, JLA is a good book, and has been for a long time. I’m not as crazy about the new team as some, but I wasn’t sorry to see Plastic Man go.
  • Superman: Red Son #3: What if Superman had been a communist? The first two issues were smart and fun, I’m sure the last one will be, too.
  • Transformers: War & Peace #5: I’ve lost my interest mostly. This is the second-to-last issue for this volume, and it just wasn’t as fun as last summer’s.