02 September 2003

Quo Vadimus

I love the fall. I love the changing leaves and the coming of cold (as opposed to winter’s lingering cold). I even love the rain. But the impending arrival of autumn has left another season marker in my head, providing an easy check against where I was a year ago and a year before that. I’m not unhappy about where I am right now, but I know it’s not where I want to be for very long. The problem is, after all this time, I still don’t know where I’m going. Web design looks more and more appealing as an option, but with the forthcoming 1.0 release of the frat page I become less and less happy with my design (and more and more annoyed at IE/Win). Last night my dreams revolved around modifying tags and rebuilding the site. If that sounds boring, it is, and it left me in a very peculiar mood that hasn’t receeded with the morning fog.