22 October 2003

Dear Framers

While I understand that a right to privacy can be intuited from the Bill of Rights, we could use clearer enumeration. Case in point:

In September 2002, JetBlue Airways secretly turned over data about 1.5 million of its passengers to a company called Torch Concepts, under contract with the Department of Defense.

Torch Concepts merged this data with Social Security numbers, home addresses, income levels and automobile records that it purchased from another company, Acxiom Corp.

[…] JetBlue’s privacy policy clearly states that “the financial and personal information collected on this site is not shared with any third parties.” Several lawsuits against JetBlue are pending. (Newsday.com, “Terror Profiles By Computers Are Ineffective”)

Could someone please wake/raise the men listed here and have them work something up. Promise them good, healthy brains to eat if necessary.