24 October 2003

Pining for Panther

Dammit. I knew this was going to happen. My copy of Panther came today. I had it delievered to my home address because it was supposed to come tomorrow, and if I had sent it to work I would have had to wait until Monday to get it. But since it came a day early, I wasn’t home to get it, so they didn’t leave it there. Now I have to either drive out to the FedEx plant on Eisenhower Ave. or wait until Monday. The FedEx lady on the phone didn’t know why the delivery man didn’t leave it at the door. Oh, and it’s not just my copy, but Katherine, Justin, Dre, and Matt Thomas’, too.

Update: Drove to the FedEx facility this morning and got it. The “Fast User Switching” cube effect has to be the most over-the-top feature ever.