03 February 2004

Pepsi and Free Music vs. Dental Health

Coca-Cola has always been, to my tastes, far superior to Pepsi-Cola. True, Pepsi has a hipper, music-oriented image, so I understand why Apple partnered up with it to give away free songs, but it’s just too damn sweet. When I went to the dentist two weeks ago, my hygenist said that my teeth looked great. And while I don’t like Pepsi nearly as much as Coke, if I’m going to spend my dollar on a bottle of sugar water I may as well have a one-in-three chance of winnig a free download. Turns out I’d rather have free music than a Coke and my smile.

Word from Katherine’s friend in dental school: don’t brush your teeth immediately after drinking soda. Rinse with some water first, or the brush will grate the sugar against your teeth because the sugar softens your enamel and the brush could damage it.