05 April 2004

The Mystery of Rampo

My VCR may or may not be hooked up correctly. I’m sure I plugged in the cables, but I’ve never tested it because I really don’t care. Except that now it’s the only clock in the apartment that hasn’t sprung forward, and I can’t change the time without using the onscreen menus. I was thinking of just unplugging it.

I don’t own many movies on VHS anyway, but there is one item in my collection that has kept me tied down. Thinking about it this morning I strolled over to Amazon and was delighted to learn that it’s now out on DVD.

The Mystery of Rampo is a beautiful film. I strongly recommend it to all. Now there’s almost no reason to ever fire up my VCR again. Oh, alright, there is that reason, because of course it’s still not out on DVD.